Get A Fresh Start & Change For Good

A 12 week course in Ayurveda and habit evolution

  • Be coached weekly

  • Join a vibrant online community of like-minded people who are dedicated to getting in control of their habits and breaking through their barriers

  • You can learn to how to evolve your daily habits, no matter how entrenched they are, and take control of your life

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Learn what to change

You will learn the basic foundational habits of Ayurveda that will have you feeling so incredibly well.

These are broken down into a 12 week program focusing on specific aspects of habit change each week. You will have the option of joining the 1 year course at the end of the 12 weeks if you would like to cycle around the program 3 more times so that you really get it.

One of the big secrets to change is being part of a dynamic group and repeating your chosen habits over and over again over time with the encouragement of your new friends. Who knows, you might even meet each other in real life at some point!

Be coached live every week and be part of an interactive forum. Apply what you learn each week and make the program fit your life. Change for good.

Weekly coaching sessions and course material will include:

Habit 1. How to change your mind- Change your habits, change your life.

Habit 2. How to Eat- How to eat for optimal weight and health

Habit 3. What to Eat- What to eat for optimal nutrition and balance

Habit 4. Early Morning Habits & Routine -Prana in, waste out

Habit 5. Morning Habits & Routine- How to build strength, endurance, resilience and joy

Habit 6. Midday Habits & Routine- Digestion, metabolism and your inner glow

Habit 7. Afternoon Habits & Routine- Choosing positivity, peace and releasing the toxic stuff

Habit 8. Evening Habits & Routine- Preparing for sleep and planning for and cultivating even energy for the next day

Habit 9. Sleeping through the night- Practices to reduce stress and increase mental calm and prepare you for a deep, refreshing sleep

Habit 10. Freedom From Unwanted Habits & Addictions Tools from Ayurveda and Yoga to help you live a life aligned

Next Steps

Click on the button below, fill in the form and schedule a free mini-session with me to find out if you are ready for your breakthrough now!